The Secretary Report November 2017 has the following vector files:
Content of the Secretary Report November 2017 is as follows:
Members Present: Ruops and son Ryan, Whitmans, Tom Dorward, Crooks, Nichols and daughter Chris, Jim and Qin, Palmers
After lunch at Wrights Chicken Farm, Judy called a brief parking lot meeting. She reminded members that dues will be comings up. The newsletter has been being mailed by Bruce who would now like to hand it over to someone else. Please let Judy know if you can do it. A “for sale” section will be incorporated into the newsletter and on the web.
Election of officers will be held at the next meeting. Let Vince know ASAP if you are interested in running for an office. The Christmas party will be held at the Palmers in Tolland, CT on December 3. The next couple of meetings will be planned at that time. Please consider organizing an activity/meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Palmer, Secretary