April 2018 Region Meet is summed up in the following pictures. The vector file(s) for the April 2018 Region Meet:
April2018RegionMeet (doc)
April2018RegionMeet (pdf)
Content of the file is as follows:
A Birdseye view of the flea market shows that the meet hides the speedway, it’s turns, and straightaways:
People bundled appropriately for the cool temperatures and hot beverages & food was easy to find…..follow your nose!! Tight aisles barely allowed for a vehicle to carry in (or out!) it’s goods and at times people had to wait in order for people to pass each other since right & left lanes for people walking didn’t appear to be the norm:
(Nice 57 Chevy hood at the bottom right on the picture) complete with trim.
I had no trouble finding the Ruops spot as he was easy to spot from the back gate. It’s an ideal location for anyone walking past his vantage point as they are a captive audience. No wonder my 35 to 39 3 speed Plymouth/Dodge transmission sold at first opening of the event! Which reminds me to remind all reading to give your wanted needs to me to put on the Colonial Region website. It might turn out that a Region member is thinking of getting rid of the same item you need. View from back gate looking at the Ruops prime location:
So from the back gate I can see tires, bumper, artic cats, and interested people. The trailer was heated and the aroma from the freshly cooked, hot food drifted out into the yard. My special meal each year is the hot dogs cooked just so with toasted buns. We had plenty of squares so Ryan, Vince’s son, was in heaven….so were his immediate neighbors! And I was warmed by not only the comradery but also the radiant stove while smelling the great cooking odors.
We decided against the 50/50 after calculating the odds being so favorable that we were almost assured of winning……..that’s not the usual 50/50 we have come to love. Our brief meeting decided on the next Restoration Article for the Region website to focus on an electrical issue that has a high chance of keeping your aging car from functioning. Vince had just experienced one of those events with his Artic Cat and ended up taking it to an expert Artic Cat analyst in New Hampshire. So that inspired the next Restoration Article for your 50’s to 70’s Mopar product electrical issue waiting to emerge and leave you stranded.