The July 2018 President Message is shown in the following vector files:
July2018PresidentMessage (.doc)
July2018PresidentMessage (.pdf)
Content of the message is as follows:
Having never toured a restoration shop, I was surprised how authentic, creative, detailed, diverse, and personalized RMR Restorations operations were. We studied many vehicles from different eras in various stages of restoration or creation. There isn’t much they can’t restore. Take a look at our web site which has mostly pictures from our tour that Christine, the owner’s daughter, took for us. She also put some of them on their web page. Our 10 members and one guest were treated to gracious hospitality.
A big thank you to Bruce Nichols for arranging this tour.
From the restoration shop, we headed to Joey’s Diner in Amherst, NH for a great lunch. Lots of good food and a fun experience was had by all. Especially the trip to the restrooms, where you were faced with an authentic coke machine front instead of a regular door. It was a “WHAT?“ moment.
The club rec’d a request from MAAC to support bill #1180 (exemption of inspections for vehicles older than 75 yrs.). Don Palmer voiced concern that there were other parts of the bill which were restrictive and suggested we NOT support that bill.
Bruce presented each family with a goodie bag from Hemmings. That was a neat surprise for all.
REMINDER: If you haven’t sent your survey yet, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks
NEXT Meeting is on July 15 (Sunday) at Jim and Qin’s new farm in Woodstock, CT.
This is a pot luck picnic with activities TBD. Details on the event page. BUT- RSVP by July 8th.
August meeting: in planning by Doug Crook for August 19 at a new car museum.