The October 2018 President Message is a follows:
Town Crier News
I welcome fall. We’ve had enough of that hot, humid weather. We need nice New England weather. For any member who missed the August meet in Webster, Mass., life is passing you by. 12 Colonial members took a long, narrated paddle wheeler boat ride on Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagunganaugg. ( I think Judi Nichols can pronounce it.) The gorgeous weather made for a perfect ride which was followed by a tasty lunch at the Point Breeze lakeside restaurant. Thanks again to Bruce and Judi Nichols for a fun meet.
Don Palmer has suggested a club ID card for each member’s car, to display at shows , cruises or outings. It is similar to a show /judging card that details the car, owner, etc. It can also include pictures. Samples will be available at the meetings. Many people pass by your car and have no idea what it is. It might even stir up some new member interest.
Don has also made a new event form. It has all the information needed to post an event on the web site.
We are trying it with the newsletter and would like your thoughts at the Christmas party in December.
NEW TECH article; Build your own Coil Wire. Prompted by a club member.
Suggestion: Have an annual financial review, similar to the “end of year” report, but configured differently.
FYI: The WPC (Chrysler Club) just had their fall tour at the Newport Car Museum in Portsmouth, RI. Same place our club went in August.
Upcoming meetings are on odd Sundays. October the 2nd Sunday, November the 1st Sunday.
October 14 meet is at Waters Farm Fall Festival Car Show. Lots of activities to see. Meet 10am by the show cars (should be the club banner there) Admission $10 with your show car. ($15 without)
November 4 will be our annual dinner at the Wright’s Chicken Farm Restaurant. Several other car clubs are eating there that day, so go early and enjoy the cars.
Vector files for the October 2018 President Message are:
October2018PresidentMessage (.doc)