Aug 2024 President Message

The Aug 2024 President Message file is:


Content of the file is as follows:

   Our last club meeting was the HVFD car show in May 2024 in Hancock, Mass.
Don and I were the only attendees and the weather was cool and windy.
Many members had not yet brought out their antiques for the year.
Hancock’s also as far west as possible without entering NY state.
   The planned meet for June was a lunch and a trip to the Vintage Radio & Communications Museum in Windsor CT. Only 4 members were attending, so it was postponed until August 18. There was no planned meet for July because of the heat. This is the new reality.
So the August meet will be the same. Lunch at Sophia’s Restaurant and then on to the museum. Meet at 11:00 at Sophia’s Restaurant and please let Jane know if you plan to come. Details and directions are on our web site. Jane’s contact info is at the bottom of this page.
Lunch is off the menu and the museum is self pay.
$7 seniors and $10 reg.
If time is tight, you can always choose one or the other.
No need to RSVP prior to the 16th. The summer is going fast , so hopefully the weather will be OK to drive those classics but you can always come in the air conditioned vehicle.
Lanny is doing some kind of article about our 50th Anniversary Celebration. Watch the next Bulletin.
   News: The Barracuda Club is joining ranks with the Plymouth Owner’s Club. Not sure how this works yet.
   It’s really sad how geographically separated the club members are. We miss out on so much. Steve Varhol has sent us a list of his top choices for car shows through September. Don has posted the list on our club web site. We might choose one for a group gathering. Feel free to suggest or add.
   We have an interested party coming Saturday to possibly buy the 1919 Dodge Brothers touring car. It only gets driven once a year and not far. Don’s having sentimental moments.

2 thoughts on “Aug 2024 President Message

  1. Hi I was just wanting to know if anyone had or know where I could get some 1937 business coupe body parts from thanks for your time Peter Anderson

    1. Peter on 37 coupe body parts…..Location? Type of parts (fenders, running board, rear lid or door handles)? Some may be shippable & some may not be so what & where is important info. Several in the N.E. Colonial Region have 37 & 38 Plymouth cars including coupes & might have spare parts they are willing to part with.


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